These are recommended settings for PHP in order to ensure full compatibilitywith Joomla! Joomla! will still work even if your settings do not match. However, this may affect operation of other extensions of Joomla!
In this article, you can learn how to change PHP settings compatibility with Joomla! on localhost with the web serve WAMPP or XAMPP. Read more about: How to create web server on localhost with XAMPP? or How to create web server on localhost with WampServer?
The PHP settings change is not too difficult, you just find the file named phi.ini and edit parameters in this file.
- If you install WAMP, this file is located in the directory wamp\bin\apache\Apachexxx\bin (where xxx is the version of apache)
- If you installed XAMPP, this file is located in the \xampp\php
Open the php.ini file, find and edit settings like this:
safe_mode = Off
display_errors = Off
file_uploads = On
magic_quotes_runtime = Off
register_globals = Off
output_buffering = Off
session.auto_start = 0
Save changes and restart the web server (WAMP / XAMPP)
Now you can install Joomla! with all recommended settings.