
Does anyone know the file that contains the HTML for Contact Form display in Joomla 2.5?

The Contact Form displays "Contact" and then "Contact Form" in large text, as well as the heading.

Since the Contact Form is obviously a "Contact Form" I would like to modify the form to remove the "Contact" and "Contact Form" lines.

Which file do I need to modify?


Open file: /templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE_NAME/html/com_contact/contact/default.php

If you do not find this file, please open the file: /components/com_contact/views/contact/tmpl/default.php

To remove Contact text, delete codes:

<?php if ($this->params->get('presentation_style')=='plain'):?>
<?php echo '<h3>'. JText::_('COM_CONTACT_DETAILS').'</h3>'; ?>
<?php endif; ?>

To remove Contact Form text, delete codes:

<?php if ($this->params->get('presentation_style')=='plain'):?>
<?php echo '<h3>'. JText::_('COM_CONTACT_EMAIL_FORM').'</h3>'; ?>
<?php endif; ?>

* These modifications apply only to Plan style: Go to Contact Manager Options -> Contact -> Display format: Plain