What is OT News
OT News is the joomla 1.7 (2.5) functional module to display Joomla news, articles from selected categories. It's small MAGAZINE LATEST NEWS layout, friendly and intuitive administration makes your work easy, powerful and effective. This module can replace such add-ons like "latest news", "popular content", "random articles", "display news", etc...
OT News features
- Display news with multiple category selected.
- One or multiple column layout.
- Simple to use.
- Show/Hide category linked title.
- Show/Hide Readmore.
- Show/Hide Thumbnails.
- Auto create thumbnail image.
- Enable thumbnails link to article.
OT News demo
OT News download
You can download the latest stable version of OT News module at http://www.omegatheme.com/free-joomla-extenions/ot-news-module.html