JT Fixed Display - Display any images or modules on fixed positionThe Module JT Fixed Display can displays your images or modules on fixed position. When you scroll the browser window, your images or modules are alway displayed. This module is suitable for display Ads, Banners, Menu, Socials Button, Contact Form, Login Form, Email Form, Custom code,...

BuaXua Floating - Display any images or modules with floatingThe Module BuaXua Floating can displays your images or modules with floating effect. When you scroll the browser window, your images or modules are alway displayed. This module is suitable for display Ads, Banners, Menu, Socials Button, Contact Form, Login Form, Email Form, Custom code,...

Module JoomTut Floating - Display any images or modules on fixed position with floating effectThe Module JoomTut Floating can display your images or modules in fixed positions with floating effect on both sides of your website, even when you scroll your browser window. This module is suitable for displaying Ads, Banners, Menu, Socials Button, Contact Form, Login Form, Email Form, Module with custom code,... This module is a combined version of module JT Fixed Display and module BuaXua Floating with more features.

BuaXua Calendar Module - Calendar Events for Joomla!Module BuaXua Calendar is a module for Joomla! It can display the date with live time clock and events of the year on your website. You can set up the Events, Festival, Special day,... and each event can be linked to a URL. This module can also display text randomly, it is useful when you want to display messages, quotes, idioms,...

JoomTut Meta Tags  - Customize your website meta tagsJoomTut Meta Tags is a simple plugin for Joomla! This plugin will fix site display issues with Compatibility View in Internet Explorer by adding X-UA-Compatible Meta Tag to your website. The X-UA-Compatible meta tag helps render your web pages in older IE browsers. This plugin also inserts Open Graph & Twitter Card meta tags and your custom tags, css, script,... to <head> section.