JoomTut Floating
Displays any images or modules (Images, Banner, Menu, Form, Social buttons, Custom HTML,...) on fixed position with floating effect
JT Fixed Display
Displays any images or modules (Images, Banner, Menu, Form, Social buttons, Custom HTML,...) on fixed position
BuaXua Floating
Displays any images or modules (Images, Banner, Menu, Form, Social buttons, Custom HTML,...) with floating effect
JT Popup Balloon
Displays any images or modules (Images, Banner, Menu, Form, Message, Custom HTML,...) in popup balloon.
BuaXua Calendar
Display the date, live time clock and events of the year on your website.
JT Google Maps
Display your location with image, title, informations,... on your website.
JT Contact Maps
Display your location with image, title, informations,... on the contact page.
JoomTut Meta Tags
Inserts Open Graph & Twitter Card meta tags and custom code to your website.

How to create a website without any skills
Step by step to create your own website without any skill and coding knowledge. Starting from nothing to have everything, including managing the server to run the website and ready to make money from your website or to be a programming and web designer....